

Monday, June 04, 2007

Your Presence is keeping me still

When it all seems dark, like passing a dark tunnel, and only finding the slightest trace of light at the end of it.
When at last you think you've reached that certain place where all seems to be well and good, but then again you find yourself, in front of another dark tunnel,
another road to take.
When all seems to loom on you, and there's no way to turn back or run ahead.
When all you can think about is to stop, sit down in the middle of the road,
and wait until life pass you by and drag you off your feet.
When all you can do is to ask "How far can the light be now?". You want to believe in order to see, yet you're not seeing. And in midst of this darkness, all you want to have is peace.
When all you can say "No more, I had enough." There's nothing left in you to fight, and finish this journey.
Remember that God was with you in the darkness, and that even if you don't see, He's still with you in this road you're taking. He's working in the day, hardest in the night, winning your battles, inspite of your weariness.
You've passed every tunnel, seen every light, because He was carrying you at times when all you want to do was give up the fight.
Because in this life, there is no constant victory. Yet we have His constant love, His faithfulness. Inspite of our own brokenness.
"Could it be You're with me..
Though I doubt, You patiently wait
Staying by my side, 'til I recognize
Your Presence is keeping me still."

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