I was googling astrology when I came across I Ching. I have the freaky habit of checking out all kinds of predictions having this belief that consistency will make any forecast closer to becoming a reality. That's why when I learned about I Ching, I welcomed it like a lost son.
Here's a site where you can learn more, toss the coin and read interpretations: http://www.cyberastro.com
Each hexagram is composed of six lines. Each individual line can be either a Yang line or a Yin line. The Chinese sages have evolved 64-life situation called Hexagrams, a figure of 6 lines each. These life situations are in constant flux. The type of line (Yang or Yin) and the position of each line indicate the direction of this flux. Thus (64x6)=384 are possible directions of change or possible situations in life. In this section, we are giving the interpretation of each line as they appear in the particular hexagram. Those interpretations of each individual line will give you a closer picture of how the situation depicted by the specific hexagram can unfold in your life. The ups and down, the opportunities and danger that will be unfolding. The interpretation provides you a caution and also suggests a course of action. It tells you, whether the particular aspect is auspicious or inauspicious for you - whether you should continue your present course or you need to change your direction.
Here's what I got after tossing the coins:
--- Yang at the top
--- Yang in the fifth place
--- Yang in the fourth place
- - Yin in the third place
--- Yang in the second place
- - Yin at the bottom
--- Yang at the top
Sit Calm
Danger ahead
No problem
What it means...You should do your daily duties
without fail. Attend to all routine matters. Do not undertake new work. A
greater force is working in your favor that will drive away all the dark
--- Yang in the fifth place
Wise man meditate
Noise do not disturb him
What it means...Let nothing disturb your peace of
mind. Let nothing sway away you from your path of duty. The external disturbance
will be suggestions, statements and actions from so-called well-wishers. Ignore
them like passing clouds. You have nothing to fear. You are now tuned to the
--- Yang in the fourth place
Waiting in the mud
Invites the enemy
What it means...You should not be afraid because
the enemy is coming. You are prepared for him. You may be in the mud but you are
not weak. You are weak and afraid only when your faith is on the evil. But your
faith is on god. No matter who the enemy is - you shall overcome.
- - Yin in the third place
Waiting in blood
Coming out from the pit
What it means...This indicates a person just coming
out of danger. It had not been an easy task. God's battle is not easy. You have
been his chosen general.
--- Yang in the second place
Waiting at the feast
It is time for good
What it means...You do not any god other than the
living spirit, almighty, the Supreme cause and power. This is the celebration
for this victory .You humbly surrender to the good fortune that the almighty has
blessed you with.
- - Yin at the bottom
Entering the pit
Three unexpected guests arrive
Treat them well
What it means...Good fortune at the end. When God
is with you -what is the fear of the unknown or unexpected? You can move
mountains. You can walk through fire. You can cross the sea. This is the hour.
God is testing your finest faith. You have to go through it as you do you will
wish for everybody all the blessing of life. As you do so, a miracle will take
place-All the good fortune will be for you to enjoy.
The Answers to Your Questions
Fortune Medium good fortune Wish Will not be
fulfilled immediately, but will be realized if you have patience and
Marriage Do not rush. There will be delays and
obstacles. It will materialize, but not at this time
Offsprings A boy but late childbirth.
Sickness Long and chronic digestive ailment. Only
rest and proper diet will ensure recovery.
Disputes Not favorable .It is better to compromise.
Employment For the time being, the prospect is not
bright enough. Wait for sometime, the right opportunities will come. This is not
the right time for new project venture.
Travel Not the best time. There will be last minute
delay and cancellation.
Lost Articles You will take a long time to locate
it Look towards north and north west - in your home or in your office.
Money Not immediately. However in the end money
will pour in from unexpected sources.
The Time of Realization...
If the answer to a question is favorable, the time
of realization signifies when is the event likely to happen. It is usually given
in days/weeks/months. This should not be taken in a literal sense. Days signify
immediate fulfillment, Weeks signify that it will take place in the near future.
The month signifies that there will be delay but is going to happen in the end.
Whether it is immediate/medium or long term can be judged from the status of
fortune. If the answer to a question is unfavorable, then time of realization
signifies the duration of the unlucky period. Whether it is days/ weeks/ months
will again depend on the conditions of fortune.
For the Image casted for you
One week, One month.
Moving Line Interpretation
This is the Image of Ta Ch'n - The The taming power
of the wise.
The Significance of the ImageThe creative heaven is
tamed by Ken the mountain. The hexagram has a 3 fold meaning expressing 3
aspects of holding firm. The first Heaven is within the mountain, the two are
joined together. Both are great powers and are acting in harmony.
The second the Mountain Ken is holding Chien the
Creative. This signifies holding back or restrain but for a positive purpose. It
is like you create a dam to control the flow of water to create electricity.
The third idea is the continuation of the positive
inflow, it is like a holding firm for care and nourishment like the flow of milk
for a child being breast-fed by the mother.
The Judgement
Heaven under the mountain
The Superior man stores in his mind
The truths of history
He pays his debtsHe gives away his
He keeps to his course
He crosses the great water.
The I Ching's Guidance - In Persuit of
It is not enough to have power or a great
potential. The issue here is, one must be able to use one's power effectively
and appropriately at all times. This is the sure path to prosperity.
Potentially, you are capable of achieving great things. But you have to canalize
your potential in the right direction. You may be already a very powerful and
successful person.
Your influence is far reaching. As a habit, you can
control and influence other peoples' lives and destiny. You have reached a
position where you may not do anything, because the society rewarded you with
extreme good fortune. However, you cannot forget to pay your debts to the
This is the time for you to take some very
important steps, which will have far reaching impact on your life. Your success
will depend on your ability to focus and channel your efforts effectively. This
is the essence of the message that you tame your great power in the right
The I Ching's Guidance - In Persuit of
Stick to the ancient and traditional sources of
whatever spiritual path you have chosen. You may sometimes feel contradictions
and irrelevance in some of these ancient procedures. But stick to them all the
same. At the right time, there will be revelation, which will enlighten you and
you will be free.
Interesting, huh?!
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