I took a trip a few months ago to Celje, Slovenia to visit my long-time friend Dey and her husband Simon. It was one of the best trips I made in Europe mainly because the Skets were very hospitable and is always willing to share their time to show me the culture and the food. They helped me try out a lot of dishes when I was in Celje, but I think for the most part, what I wouldn't forget is the trip to the museum and having a chance to know about Alma Karlin, who I now quote in my profile. But I digress.
When I travel, I don't start by pretending to know even the smallest thing about a place. It helps me keep an open-mind about the food, the language and the culture. I use the little knowledge that I have as a conversation starter instead with locals and other travellers, mainly to confirm or clarify what I know.
And this is what I've learned in Slovenia. If you are to feast in this place, I would suggest to travel the country with a local. Cliche I know, but for the most part, I think the food is prepared to be experienced with a group of friends or family. Take for example the Ajvar.
Ajvar Dip - this preserved dip consists of paprika, tomato, red carrots and pepperoni. It is mostly home made with ingredients grown organically and is served with meat. We ate this one afternoon when we visited the Sket's uncle and aunt in the suburbs. It can stand out on its own yet I find that the flavor complements all the meat that was served with it.
Flower Honey - Celje is also popular for their honey bee farms. After all it's also the best place to find a lot of variety of flowers, so it's not surprising to get most of their honeys from flower nectar. I saw some dew honeys as well but I think the best kind of honey is the flower honey because it's sweeter and more aromatic. I enjoyed mine by pouring the honey over my favorite strawberries (the sour kind) to balance the sourness of the fruit with the sweetness of the honey. Ready to serve!
Elderflower juice - I almost felt obsessed with this refreshing, sweet and fragrant drink. It's also very light and not as filling as sodas or other fruit juices which I usually hate (that's why I made it a habit to just drink after I finish eating my meal). With the elderflower, I can enjoy having a full meal with desserts with it without feeling bloated at the end.
Kremsnita - I have seen this vanilla and custard cream in puff pastry base cake both in Italy and Slovenia. But I think it's more popular in Croatia. Eating it reminds me of Brazo De Mercedes and that's why I kept missing the meringue. It's too sweet for me too and too filling and that's why I would have opted an extra reach for that chocolate swirl at the back if I wasn't too full with the Kremsnita.
Rukola salad - nothing is most simplest yet entertaining but the rukola salad. This one has all the right ingredients for me, the greens, the meat, the cheese but most of all the baby tomato on top. The combination reminds me of how something comfy can come up from simple things. A dash of pepper and an extra swing on the cheese and I can already imagine myself sitting in a reclining chair in front of the Boracay beach with lime juice at my left side and my trusty ipad on the other. Oh wait, I nudge myself. I'm still in Celje.
Pizza - oh my, my thigh. I remember that Friends episode where Christina Applegate guests as Rachel's sister Amy. One glance at the pizza and she said "one moment in your lips, forever in your hips!". Now everytime I see pizza, I remember this phrase. I think both pizzas below found their way to my hips. One has the over indulgence of melted cheese and the other the biggest effing cut of pepperoni. There were a lot of choices in the menu but these two top my lists.
Pljeskavica - last but not the list is the biggest patty I've ever seen. I think this is bigger than that New York New York Giant Yankee burger. I opted to not got with the bread and just eat the meat and the salad. Its very tasty and I think it is a mixture of a variety of meat, mainly pork and beef. I missed the ajvar with this one but having a spicy red sauce was also a good choice.
Everything here is meant to be shared with friends and family as I mentioned earlier but in a hindsight, your adventure can start by being able to share them as well with other travellers. Most of the people I met would always opt for the simplest dish, a breath of fresh air for me coming from places where fusion is always the main theme. In the end, it's the dish coupled by intimate conversations that makes the hearty, satisfying meal.
1 comment:
I heard a couple of guys talking about this in the New York subway so I looked it up online and found your page. Thanks. I thought I was right and you confirmed my thoughts. Thanks for the work you've put into this. I'd love to save this and share with my friends.
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