It's often hard to wear your heart on your sleeve. But it doesn't mean you'll need to do this permanently. Remember that your goal is to know the person, to measure his heart.
It takes a lot to master this skill. By experience, I've been burned a thousand times, unknowingly leading myself to being hurt by the other person. The biggest disadvantage of opening your heart to a person are malicious slandering and being misjudged. Being judged by that person at all is already unfair. But most people do this unconsciously, sometimes as part of their defense mechanism. Best thing to do is to not take it personally. I learned that the hard way.
On the other hand, I have known great friends because of this. I have built long-lasting relationships with people like them because with them, you don't need pretension. You know where you stand. They can accept you as who you are, good or bad. At the same time, you know your line with these people, because they too know when to open their hearts to you, even by words or by just mere action.
Be prepared to not be accepted by those people you want to get close with. Nobody's perfect. But being vulnerable teaches you to accept other people's weaknesses. This process will show you what a person is made of. From that, you will learn the good and the bad, and whether you'll be able to accept him as a whole person. And how much of you will he able to accept. By that, when he makes the mistake of hurting you, you already know when to turn your back or when to accept him.
I can't be with a person who can only accept my good traits, or at least those that he finds good in me. I can't also change the bad just to live my life on his term. I am already happy being me. And for those who judge, take a good look at how you're living your life. You raise your chin so high, you can't see the shit in your feet. You judge others, hiding in the fact that you're the biggest and worst judge of yourself. Always finding fault, and thus holding back, while as a defense, critizing other people.
You say, "aren't we all?". And I say no. Not all. And how wonderful life can be if everyone just see what "let live" means.