On the rarest occasion, he made a comment on his own website about his private life.
You can find more about it in http://www.darrenhayes.com/dh/index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=174.
Darren Hayes' Letter to Fans:
Monday, 17 July 2006 I very rarely make comments about my private life.
But today, as I'm about to begin 6 months in the studio to record what I hope to be the best record of my career, I feel an overwhelming gratitude for the past 10 years of being a performer. Most recently, I've been moving toward a career that is more closely aligned with 'art' than it is 'commerce'. And in keeping on this trajectory - I have become increasingly more emotionally authentic in my music, writing and my relationship to my audience. As so many of you have given me your heart and soul over the past 10 years I thought it only fitting that I too return the respect and inform you of the most significant event in my life.
On June 19th 2006 I married my boyfriend of two years, Richard, in a Civil Partnership ceremony in London.
I can honestly say it was the happiest day of my life.
I feel lucky to live in an era where my relationship can be considered legally legitimate and I commend the UK Government for embracing this very basic Civil Liberty.
I'm proud of who I am, and after what felt like an eternity, I'm finally in a place where my heart is secure and content. And I can finally make sense of all of the searching.
I still maintain the belief that families and relationships are not commodities to be sold off for public consumption. In this regard, I am and will continue to be a public person with a private life.
I have always written songs about human relationships and our journey in life. I've never felt the need to differentiate or speak to a specific part of society. This hasn't changed. I will continue to write songs for everybody and hope that the feelings and thoughts I sing about are universal. Today, as I get on a plane to return to London, my head will be filled with all the future possibilities that I hope to explore musically.
To the people who buy my records, come to my shows and demonstrate on a daily basis their love and support for me and what I do: thank you.
Your overwhelming message to me lately seems to be that you are just glad that I am happy. For this, I am eternally grateful. To my Mum, Dad, Sister and Brother - thanks for always being so cool and loving me unconditionally.
With love and respect always
Darren Hayes
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