

Monday, March 20, 2006

Counting My Blessings and Becoming a Steward

What I like most about my work is it's perks: I get to travel, have a stable income, meet friends with common interests and have access to technology, to different industries and fields of interests. I got this great passion for it, that sometimes I expect too much, not just from the work itself, but also from the company and from colleagues. You know how it is when you get to have such high expectations: frustrations and conflicts would always be around the corner.

Case in point: it's not the work but the environment that comes with it that would always cause my burden. It's easy to like work, love it at the most, but if it doesn't come with a sense of pride, contentment or some sort of fulfillment, then it becomes overbearing. All of that can be affected at some point by external factors, mostly by people around you.

At the same time, it's also these same factors that can make me stay longer. Once the office has become a second home/family, it becomes a place of comfort. It then becomes hard when God calls and asks me to embark in another journey because it's rare to find such a place. Yet God lets me know the He only asks me to move on and experience life so I can learn further and grow as an individual.

How much God accomplishes by giving us such blessing! Together with this gift, God gives us a chance to develop our character and abilities. As we grow, we become better stewards of His blessings -- that same gifts that He wants to bless others with, through us (Matthew 25:29-For to everyone who has, more will be given and he will grow rich). We're able to teach others of the things we learn and experience, and share the financial gifts that come with the work we have. At the same time, we live out our Christian faith, and with it, the gospel is shared to our fellowmen.

Isn't this what the parable of the talents all about? (Matthew 25:14-30- a man called on servants to be stewards over his possessions, entrusting different amounts of talents for the servants to cultivate.) Jesus is telling us through the parable that God has given us different skills depending on what we can do, have and bear. As entrusted stewards, it's up to us how we cultivate those talents, to the best of our abilities.

So when work becomes a burden, stop and pray. Follow His way. He gave it because He believes in the greatness of "you". Didn't He love you enough to give up His Son? Whatever the burden brings, hear what the Lord is telling you. Even if all logic and reason fail, offer everything to Him. Because in the end, anything that you lift up to Him will prove its worth.

You gave Your life completely for me
Nailed in the
cross so I can be free
Now is my time to give it to You...

I choose to be devoted to you
I bring my gift, a heart of sacrifice for You
I'm taking your Hand
I'll follow the Feet
that once was pierced
for me...
-from the song "Devoted", Southside Christian Church

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